Health Problems Your Dentist Can Detect

What do you think your dentist can see when they look in your mouth? Of course they can spot problems with your teeth and gums, like cracks, decay, and recession, but they’re able to see much more than that. In fact, your dentist may be the first person able to spot clues about more serious health problems that aren’t related to healthy teeth at all.

Here are some of the health problems your dentist can detect.

Cancers of the mouth

There are many symptoms that may indicate oral cancer, but a few of them can be spotted by your dentist during an exam. This includes a sore in the mouth, a lump in the cheek, gums, or lip, loose teeth, or a discolored patch on the tongue, gums, floor or roof of mouth, or throat.


Diabetes also comes with many warning signs, some of which manifest in the mouth. Swollen or bleeding gums from gum disease are a common dental condition for people with diabetes, as well as loose teeth and dry mouth, all of which a dentist may see.


Osteoporosis is a condition where loss of tissue from the bones makes them fragile. This can include the bones that support the teeth. Your dentist may notice loose teeth or gum recession, which are some signs of osteoporosis that manifest in the mouth.

Acid reflux and GERD

Both of these conditions occur when stomach acid flows back up the esophagus, often causing heartburn and a sour taste in the back of the throat. The acid can also wear away at the enamel of the teeth over time, particularly the inside surface of the front teeth.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

With OSA, the airway is blocked in some way during sleep, leading to multiple episodes where no air flows at all for several seconds or even minutes at a time. Sometimes the body tries to compensate by moving the jaw in order to create an airway, which results in bruxism, or tooth grinding. Your dentist may see the telltale signs of bruxism, which include chipped or cracked teeth and worn-down enamel and tooth surfaces, which could be warning signs of OSA.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

RA is an autoimmune disease that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. It’s also common for people with RA to exhibit signs of gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, which your dentist can easily spot. RA can also lead to the deterioration of cartilage in the jaw joint, which may lead to clicking, popping, or difficulty opening and closing the mouth.

Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the lining of the intestines. There are a number of unique signs of this disease that can show up in the mouth that your dentist may notice, including gingivitis, swelling of the lips, and mouth ulcers.

Another reason to visit the dentist

You may not have been aware of just how many common diseases and conditions can show up in the mouth, but now that you know about some of the health problems your dentist can detect, it’s just one more reason to see your dentist regularly for check-ups. If you feel comfortable, you may also want to share any other symptoms you’re experiencing, as that may help your dentist keep an eye out for certain signs and take a proactive approach to your health.

Your health may depend on seeing a dentist! Visit our website or give us a call to make an appointment.

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